Sefco Export Archived Advisories
Answer: This is the Electronic Export Information, formerly known the SED - "Shippers Export Declaration". It is required by the US Government for all US exports valued over USD 2,500.00
this is one of several documents and submissions that are prepared by Sefco Export on behalf of our customers. Question: "What is the USPPI?" Answer: This is the US Principal Party of Interest. Question: "What is the FPPI?" Answer: This is the Foreign Principal Party of Interest. Read more about this, here:
SEFCO's web site provides informal advise, guidance and direct links to appropriate USG Government web sites as may be helpful (or necessary) to process an export/import transaction. Find out more about this, here: HC Number Look-Up
For further information, posted chronologically, continue reading the information noted below. Posted 2014 From time to time Sefco posts new or updated information about US Customs and EEI Export Declarations, for general information only. The international shipping guides and advice posted on Sefco's website are for general guidance only, subject to change, reconfirmation or correction. Access to our site is subject to our online TOS terms of service. Learn more about EEI's electronic export decalarations for AES/US Customs. Shipping Acronyms: Useful 3rd party links: previous updates: July 2009 October 2009 December 2009 March 2010 FINAL RULE effective, January 2011, EU - ENS Regulation May 2011: For guidance on the filing of an EEI export declaration, please refer to the following links as well as the main AES direct web site: Important Notice:
Starting October 1, 2008 the term: SED "shippers export declaration" will be no longer be used. The new terminology for this required export document is: EEI "electronic export information" which is processed by the USG US Government AES automated export system . EEI submissions are made online via secure computer connection with US Census and US Customs and Border Protection.
SEFCO can file the EEI on behalf of our shippers/customers provided full information
![]() Shippers: There is no right to privacy for an international shipment. Everything that crosses an international border gets checked, scrutinized and information is posted to government authorities, businesses and publicly accessible sources. Furthermore, all new shippers undergo a preliminary security check by SEFCO - including performing necessary OFAC US Dept of Treasury checks. The SDN list - specially designated nationals - is a list of denied parties that every US freight forwarder has an affirmative obligation to check, and is constantly updated by the US Government. The following image gives the "new shipper" an indication of how some information is shared. There is no anonymity with international shipments. Upon request, Sefco will provide access to file information for the purpose of confirming facts pertaining to any export/import transaction.
The EEI filing must be processed and submitted to US Customs for approval at least several days prior to export. In order to process a new export, Sefco needs to know the complete description of all commodities with packing list. For the EEI document, we need to know:
If there will be multiple commodities in one container, we need to know the quantity, weight (kg), value, and schedule B number for each commodity. Please be advise that the EEI processing fee alows for up to three commodity groups in one container.
Shippers: Please present the full commodity description and details so an accurate rate quotation can be provided for processing the EEI document. Sefco's export document dept. can look up many different schedule B numbers as necessary Handling and processing can be provided on an "as needed" basis at our normal consulting rate
HOW TO PROCESS YOUR EXPORT DOCUMENTS Information provided by the shipper to Sefco is taken from the SLI --> ...and becomes part of the required EEI document. Our online video resources outline all the necessary "data fields" for completing the EEI (or nothing gets exported) and where to look up the schedule B code for the commodity. [scroll to top] The following URL is the official site for looking up the codes (linked on the AES system site, where EEI's are filed): <--- ON THIS SITE HISTORICAL GUIDANCE What follows below, is a redacted / sample copy of a filed EEI [From a previous year/private info redacted.]
![]() IMPORTANT - RULES, REGS AND FORMS CAN CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Ask us if you are unsure of anything. If we do not know the answer, we'll try to find the answer for you - our customer. March 2010 FINAL RULE - No SSN can be used for AES EIN filing January 2011 - Read advisory on new EU Regulations - Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) Look up Harmonized Code numbers
If you have any general questions, contact Sefco at Rate requests/sales dept: international shipping rate request Thank you very much for choosing SEFCO Export Confidentiality notice: This email and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information, which is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s). If you have mistakenly received this message, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, copying, distribution, or other use of its contents or attachments is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return, delete this communication from your system and destroy all copies. Your cooperation is appreciated. |