Sefco Export's General Advice for New Shippers of Personal Property
First time rate inquiry?
Moving your own property overseas?
Commercial Shipper?
Need to know costs, and arrange overseas shipping for:
Vehicles, Heavy Equipment, FAK?
Find out more about overseas CUSTOMS
Please contact the consulate of the country
to which you plan to ship your property, to ascertain your status.
Real Experience Counts
Sefco can help you avoid problems... BEFORE they occur.
Topics covered on our site include:
Exporting your vehicle from the USA?
[US Export Customs Clearance for POV-Vehicles]
Shipping your car to Europe?
[EU Customs Clearance for Passenger Cars]
Need auto insurance for while you drive in Europe?
[GEICO green card coverage]
Thinking about importing a car into the USA?
[US Import Regulations for Vehicles]
[En Espanol]
Importing your personal effects into the USA? [See: USA import]
SSL steamship line advice and port authority policies
Going to Australia?
Learn more about AQIS exams.
Have you paid a service retainer to Sefco within the past 90 days?
If yes, then you should be able to access your online file.
This is where we try to provide "e-resources" - links and information tailored to your area of interest.
PLEASE ASK US for the user name and password.
Read some "real life" correspondence with a Sefco customer
regarding the possibility of paying duty on property
shipped to such destinations as France and elsewhere.
Topic: Overseas Household Goods Moves
vs. Commercial Goods being shipped abroad.
Did you know...?
That almost always, the steamship line freight rates for port to port international shipping services
are based on the commodity classification of the cargo being shipped,
and the ocean rates for the commodity:
HHG-household goods, personal effects
can often be higher than the rate charged for commercial commodities, such as "coils of iron", "consumer electronics", "plush toys" and "recycled paper". Many carrriers will not accept personal effects if they are not completely sure it is properly packed for export and handled by a responsible origin agent who knows what paperwork and handling methods are required.
Also, people should know that most commercial forwarding firms
are geared toward servicing consistent and regular commercial cargo shipper accounts.
These are companies that tend to ship the same commodity (for resale) over and over again to the same place.
Often, they liaise with the traffic manager of the client company.
Rarely, if ever, do they get involved with someone's personal effects - viewed as "one shot consignments" with a
tendency toward problems (insufficient packing, inexperienced shippers unaware of procedures, etc).
Many commercial cargo (for resale) freight rates are based on volume commitments over time called
"service contracts." Most often, when commercial cargo (for resale) arrives in a destination county,
the receiver will already know how to
handle things and how much to pay to Customs for the duty/tax on that particular commodity.
On the other hand, most often, overseas movements of a persons' own personal effects - property that is not for resale on the commercial market - can enter the new country free of import duty.
This is of course subject to the new country's acceptance of that new immigrant
or returning national. This does not hold true for everywhere (in a couple Caribbean island nations,
even personal effects are taxed.) Also, if you ship 100-vcr's and try to tell them it's not for resale,
chances are good that they won't believe it. It has got to be a "real move". So you / the property owner has a real incentive to be sure you have double checked with the embassy or consulate of the destination country, regarding import and residency rules.
Learn more, visit our site map and read our
FCL fact sheets and
LCL tips.
Most experienced, consistent commercial shippers already have their export packing situation properly evaluated. Personal effects is a "different case".
Sometimes it is best to "bite the bullet" and pay for a good mover to pickup, pack and crate personal effects.
In the long run, when professional movers are involved, the cargo is well packed and will arrive well.
However, it is not at all uncommon for individual shippers
to underestimate the gross packed volume (crates) of their cargo.
In recent experience, some of our LCL export (ocean) customers have done well by purchasing (from 3rd party vendors) a pre-fabricated and heat treated crate.
The shipper/property owner self-delivers the crate directly to the receiving warehouse that we designate and show on a formal LCL booking confirmation.
As long as we get a true, clean and correct packing list ahead of time, things tend to go smoothly.
And if you/an individual shipper packs and delivers your own crate, there is no question about how big the shipment is.
If Sefco is not arranging the packaging, things are actually much simpler for us. Time allowing, our sales staff will provide advise to those who seek it.
Sefco Export Management Company, Inc.
Port News and Historic Notes:
Read archived articles and review on
historic trends
related to the international shipping industry. Compiled by Sefco from our
service providers in the ocean shipping community. Go to:
Port Operations
The following is an excerpt of a message relayed to our main office from one of our major SSL steamship line
partners, servicing FCL container shipments from the USA to Europe and Africa. Their stated policy is being adopted by
all the major SSL steamship lines.
"We would like to bring your attention onto the current situation at the U.S. piers.
Most of the terminals are becoming congested and have decided to implement,
to the full extent of their tariff, increased storage charges or booking rollover fees;
even, in some areas, they have changed the rules including Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
in the free time period or have rejected containers delivered in advance,
i.e. not returned within a stricter vessel time window.
Regulations and charges do vary from one terminal to another.
For the benefit of all, we recommend that you carefully plan your bookings
and documentation in order to avoid these charges that we will have no other
option than to forward to you for each occurrence. For instance, if the documentation paperwork
will not be ready on time, please do not return your shipment to the pier,
as it will be short shipped and be remaining at the pier, incurring hefty storage charges
as well as booking rollover fee. Therefore, it is paramount that we receive your
complete documentation at the very latest, 48 hours before sailing date. Also, please specifically
respect the timeframe for shipments with automobile(s) as more time is needed by U.S. Customs
to process vehicle title(s). Eventually, be aware that late submissions of Shipper Export Declaration
will also result in U.S. Customs penalties." [report dated: 10-January 2005]
Sefco Export Management Company, Inc.
Payment instructions:
[case study - real comments - observations]
-----Original Message----- [edited for privacy/clarity purposes]
From: Sefco Export [mailto:]
Sent: January 2003
To: private person [in southern France]
Cc: Export; 2-Sefco HQ idt
Subject: duty [France]
Please note feedback received concerning your cargo and duty assessed:
Commercial goods are typically dutiable.
People moving their own used household goods/personal effects, from themselves,
to themselves, as a change of residence (ie., "moving overseas"),
can typically bring their property in either free of duty
- or if a duty is assessed, it will typically be nominal,
according to past experiences with France.
All people are urged to contact the consulate of the destination country to ascertain their status.
If someone is not "moving" per se,
but is instead outfitting secondary residences with new fixtures,
electronics, furniture, whatever... or importing property that is of a
commercial nature (not buying product locally but importing from overseas)
then naturally the destination government would consider
charging a duty - which is never included in any quotation for transportation only.
It is looked at more as a commercial shipment rather
than a personal effects move.
...we shall endeavor to improve our general/informal guidance to people
in the future... our quotes and terms always state no duties are ever included.
We shall endeavor to be helpful to you where practical and feasible.
If you would need any further assistance please do not hesitate to ask...
Sefco Export
cc: file, et al
------------End of Message------------
Post Email Note:
This customer was charged a 19+% vat (tax)
on (new) property being imported from the US into France.
The duty was charged by the French Government.
They decide what to levy duties on, and how much. Sefco does not determine duty rates and what may or may not be dutiable.
Please be sure to consult with the Embassy or Consulate
of the country of your final destination - before sending your property overseas -
to ascertain your immigration status and import status.
Will you be moving your own property -
"used household goods and personal effects" - overseas, or will it consist of
goods that are either for re-sale or could otherwise be considered "commercial goods"?
Do you have multiple/duplicates of things like electronics?
Buying brand new fixtures to outfit a house that is
not your permanent residence?
In places like France and elsewhere, customs tend to separate "household goods, personal effects moves" from "commercial cargo"
when it comes to the possibility of assessing duties.
Note: customs clearance of commercial cargo is different from
customs clearance of a movement of used household goods/personal effects.
Clearance fees are estimated and can vary depending on locale and situation.
Sefco Export
customers who choose our "P" premier service - including
total door to door moving services - complete origin packing and loading, shipping/handling,
complete overseas destination services -
where our select overseas moving agent handles everything from the destination customs clearance,
to the unloading, inside delivery and unpacking of the household goods being moved -
experience a "hands off - worry free" move, with a very high level of customer support services being rendered.
Sefco Export customers who opt for our "E" Economy level
and "R" Regular level - shipping service, can save money by packing themselves,
self clearing customs at the port of exit or entry,
self-unloading and unpacking the cargo at the destination, and so on.
But this means more work for you, as recompense for the lower total cost.
All FCL container moves, using our "E and R" level of service, must be self-cleared at destination.
If not self-cleared, the customer has the option of hiring a local customs broker
at the destination port - often such customs brokers are
connected to the SS line port agent office at destination.
Pay them directly.
If Sefco is to be involved and help assist in arranging
for such overseas clearing services, we need to charge at least an extra $ 250 over actual
net cost being charged by a destination port broker and banking/currency conversion fees - to compensate for Sefco's
intervention, additional time spent sending preadvises, communicating with overseas agents and other related costs.
Sefco can provide an estimate of the cost for 3rd party customs broker services.
The most economical way to clear cargo overseas is to self clear.
If it's your property, you have the right to clear it directly with the Customs agency of the destination country.
You fill in the applicable forms and hand them in directly and in person.
The next cheapest way is to pay the selected 3rd party destination customs broker directly.
This is where they act - with your poa/power of attorney - on your behalf and submit applicable forms (still signed by you)
to the local customs office.
Otherwise, an extra handling charge needs to be paid to Sefco, if we are to become involved.
For further explanation of this policy, please refer to our following webpage:
[P/A handling fee]
If the economy-minded customer (consignee/importer) pays the customs broker directly, then
Sefco does not need to be involved.
Sefco will be pleased to assist our customers with recommendations of customs brokers at ports around the world.
Again, it's simply a choice:
"P" Premium Door-to-Door Overseas Moving Service gets our full D/A destination agent service after it lands overseas (we work with the best overseas movers in the world).
Learn more:
[go to: Premium]
"E" Economy and "R" Regular - basic transport services - involves a greater level of "self-service" by the property owner. Learn more:
[go to: Economy]
No Sefco quotation ever includes duties (if any) or inspection fees/labor
in event your consignment is selected by customs for an intensive examination.
Please look at Sefco's website for contacts to the Embassy of the country to which you are moving your property.
Also note:
Our general guidance is based on past experience
but it is in no way a predictor of any future decision by customs officials in the US or overseas.
Always try to "go to the horses mouth" when looking for information concerning overseas customs.
If you have unanswered questions about your particular circumstance,
ask the applicable Government customs office directly.
If they have a website, look at it.
If you need the phone number of any Foreign Consulate in the US, call us for it.
Or please feel free to email us for it:
We do have this kind of information and will gladly give you the number.
Or just look it up, using a search engine, like:
Sefco Export can help you "do your homework" before your overseas move,
but still, if its your property, you are ultimately responsible to check import rules with the
Governmental authorities to which you are sending your property.
Of course, Governments themselves do change, so its smart to stay up to date on new changes.
We can alert people to new developments - via our website - and will try our best to help keep
our customers well informed, and protected.
If someone packs/loads their own property
and provides Sefco with a clean packing list certifying its correctness, ie.,
the number of pieces, its description, etc., this is what is generally used to
document what is being sent.
New security requirements may require accessorial services, surcharges and related fees
to cover special checks/inspections or documentation. We will keep our clients informed
as things develop. For our security review, please go to: [Security Guide]
More about valuation...
"Fyi"... as a general "rule of thumb",
used personal effects/household goods -
goods that are part of a typical overseas move
(no duplicates of electronics, ie., no 50-cartons with VCR's inside...) -
tend to have a very low commercial value.
For example, a 20-ft container of used household goods, may often have a value
of $6000 (unless otherwise declared) which represents a value of $1 per pound of used household goods/personal effects.
A 20-ft container often holds approx. 6,000-lbs worth of household goods.
This is simply an average.
Some trucking companies charge much higher rates,
for transporting cargo that has a value higher than their
standard "release value". Its different if they are hauling $1 million worth of
computer equipment, as opposed to trucking used personal effects.
Often, truckers valuations for such goods - called the cargos' "class number"
- reflect the "release value" of the cargo. Often household goods will move as "class 100" cargo.
Such "release valuation" can run between 10-cents per pound, to 60-cents per pound.
This limits the truckers liability in the event of loss. This is why it is smart to purchase additional marine/cargo insurance for the property being shipped.
Shipments that are more of a commercial nature, will typically require a "commercial invoice" to be presented to customs at the destination country.
Look at our website to learn more about such things. Go to: [Commercial Invoice]
All shipments valued at over $ 2500 USD that depart from the US, need a special form to be
submitted to the US Government, called a "SED" Shippers Export Declaration. There is an extra cost, to have the SED submitted, and the information submitted must be true and correct.
If you are a Sefco customer, quite likely this cost was already included in our quotation for service.
All SED's must be submitted by the time "the ship sails". The US Department of Commerce and US Customs gather this information for statistical purposes, to value overall US exports.
SED's and any US customs export clearances have nothing to do with overseas customs clearance at the final destination.
Are you a regular/frequent shipper?
To learn more about "electronically filing" your SED-Shippers Export Declaration, go to:
If property is mis-described, ie., commercial goods that are new vs.
actual used household goods being moved, the onus for correctness remains with the property owner.
Any taxes/duties/fines/demurrage (if any) - on any shipment - always remains the responsibility of the property owner.
Of course: We do not recommend misdeclaring anything.
- Please contact the consulate of the country
to which you plan to ship your property,
to ascertain your status.
Find out about overseas customs and import requirements.
Go to :
The Electronic Embassy
- Importing your used household goods/personal effects into the US?
1) Read instructions and download the US 3299 form.
[go to: 3299]
2) Read and printout a copy of the Treasury Supplemental form.
[go to: Supplemental]
Both these forms are needed for US import clearance of "personal effects" cargo - goods that are coming in from a person who had been located overseas, who is moving into the USA - goods being shipped from themselves, to themselves.
It can not be used for commercial cargo (goods that were sold - not part of a personal effects "move").
Access our website "free research tools"
to learn more about importing commercial products and US custom clearance procedures for commerical cargo. Clearing HHG-household goods and personal effects on an "inbound to the USA personal move" - is something very different from clearing commerical goods through US Customs. One is duty free, the other is not. To learn more about this, click here.
The average fee for arranging an informal entry (USA inbound household good move clearance)
in cooperation with our designated US CHB customs house broker, is $300 usd.
We will give you specific instructions regarding what forms you will need to complete, and will oversee the process - to facilitate prompt action.
Thinking about importing your car from abroad into the US?
It may not be as easy as you think - if it doesn't already conform to US highway regulations.
Learn more
about importing a car into the US.
Go to: [Car Clear]
Shipping your privately owned vehicle to the UK/EU?
Read some comments from our preferred clearing agent in the UK (Claire):
"Please be advised that Customs have confirmed that ALL VEHICLES (including motorcycles) that are shipped into the UK require the following documentation to clear customs:
C104A - original NOT copy,
Certificate of Title,
Purchase invoice of vehicle.
Is the shipper RETURNING to or MOVING to EC?
If shipper has travelled to the EC within 6 months of moving here permanently:
Copy of Passport,
Proof of Insurance (only required if shipper collecting vehicle from port themselves),
Proof of Residency in U.S.A covering a period of 12 months or more. (For Example: Utility Bills)
Most of the paperwork I do receive, however I have many problems with shippers not having proof of residency
and unfortunately by the time I advise the shipper Customs require this, they say that they had destroyed
this kind of information before they came over to the UK!!
Customs WILL NOT clear the vehicle without all of the above."
Shippers/consignees can self-clear their vehicle at origin and destination.
If you prefer to use an outside agent (customs broker or delivery service)
either pay them directly or we can arrange
- for extra cost - clearance and delivery through our own select agents.
For a general guideline on costs in the UK (optional delivery from port to door)
please ask us.
Looking for "green card" automobile liability insurance for driving your car in Europe?
First, ask your current automobile insurance broker to see if they have a program for your needs. Also consider: [GEICO]
Clearing your vehicles title through US Customs for export from the USA?
Every titled vehicle must be export-released by US Customs
before it can be placed on a vessel for export from the US.
Not all US ports operate in the same way, when
it comes to export clearance of POV-personally owned vehicles.
Some places are relatively easy to get things done, and other places are
more difficult. How to know? Ask us.
Often we will make our own recommendations
concerning what is achievable and prudent in any given situation.
If we "strongly recommend" that our
auto-export specialists take care of clearing a vehicles' title through
US Customs, then there are probably some very good reasons for our recommendation.
The mode matters: When shipping your own vehicle via Ro-Ro
("Roll on/Roll off") vessel - and if you pier deliver your own vehicle yourself -
then it is usually not a problem for you to self-clear your title through US Customs - so
the SS Line will readily load your vehicle onto the ship that it is booked to depart on.
In places like NY/NJ, Baltimore, etc.
on the US East Coast, often the US Customs booth will be in the general
vicinity of where you will drop off your car.
It's just a matter of stopping by one place first,
then proceeding along to the 2nd place to
have the vehicle officially received by the pier. After we receive your
preshipment deposit
and contract/instructions,
our specialists will give you the driving instructions, addresses, dock receipt, etc. to get the job done.
a) However - if you are using an outside trucker to deliver the vehicle
to the pier on your behalf (i.e., you are not going there in person to deliver your own vehicle) then it is best to let us take care of the export clearance formalities.
We recommend that you FedEx our office the original title at least 4 working days before it is to go to the pier.
b) However
- if you are not shipping the vehicle by the Ro-Ro method, and if instead
you are shipping a vehicle inside a FCL-full container, then it is almost
always best to pay us the extra handling fee
[see: accessorials]
to allow our auto-export specialists to clear it for you.
FedEx the original title to our office with payment for optional export clearance.
For further information about our optional accessorial services [please click here]
The reason why the mode matters is that when the container arrives at the pier,
the delivering driver normally must manually present the already-stamped and cleared
original title to the port receiving clerk. Otherwise the container will not go directly to the
pier gate it is supposed to go to, and instead it will be redirected to a nearby container yard to wait.
That in itself becomes an extra stop by the pier-trucker.
Waiting time or yard storage fees, "per diems" and demurrage charges can easily accrue on a diverted container -
and this is always for the account of the property owner/shipper. No Sefco quotation includes storage/demurrage or
such accessorial fees.
You don't want to accrue demurrage. You want to avoid it. Take our advice.
It is almost impossible for a vehicles' owner
to arrive at the pier gate at the exact same moment as when the trucker with the container shows up.
Private people are not allowed to ride in the container-truckers cab.
Things need to be set-up and pre-arranged well in advance
of when the driver appears at the pier gate.
Whoever has possession of that original title has the responsibility
to get things done correctly, completely and in a timely fashion - for things to go well.
If Sefco is paid to pre-arrange for export clearance/handling of an original title,
we will in turn make sure that whoever needs it, and whatever needs to be done, will be done -
by people who do this sort of thing literally every day.
Responsibilty is transferred to our auto-export specialists - only when Sefco receives
an original document with payment to process same.
If you have never before done
something like export clearing a title for a vehicle loaded inside a container,
our recommendation is not to do it yourself. Being "penny wise" might result in unintended
consequences. Delays, port storage and demurrage can easily accrue - for your account.
In almost all cases, when shipping via
Ro-Ro method - and if you are personally delivering your own vehicle to the US port -
you can self-clear your paperwork by following the basic instructions we give to you
(generated after your deposit and contract are received and we open your file).
Not so, if it is containerized.
Where you export your vehicle from, can make a difference.
Some major Ro-Ro ports - like Miami - can have different rules
and methods used to export clear a vehicle's title.
Compared to Baltimore and NY/NJ, Miami has more stringent requirements concerning
getting the export-release for a vehicle from US Customs.
This is because in the past, many people have tried to
ship stolen vehicles from the port of Miami.
Of course, US Customs looks very dimly on such activities
and they are likely to arrest anyone trying to export stolen goods.
Texas has always operated a bit differently from US East Coast ports such as Baltimore, NY/NJ, etc.
US Customs in Texas requires a special "Letter of Intent" to be submitted along
with some other extra special handling requirements. Often - for Texas - if Sefco is to receive the original
title in advance of pier delivery, our extra handling fee will include an amount to cover the
extra disbursements our office will need to make to pay for special messengers to make runs between the
US Customs office in Houston and the SS Line port office. The average cost for handling/export clearing
1-title via Houston port: $ 250.00 (This rate is good for Miami port as well.)
It is more time consuming and is not so easy
- as compared to other US ports.
They have a saying at US Customs: "Know before you go."
Shipping a Boat inside a Container? Is it on a trailer?
Does the trailer have a title?
If yes, the trailers' title must be export cleared through US Customs before it can
leave the country.
If it has got a title, the original title has got to be export cleared.
For further information about vehicle, boat, special equipment shipping please go to:
[Car Shipper]
Access our website for additional information Informal guidance and useful links:
General advice and guidance concerning bringing used
household goods into the US: Go to:
[Informal Customs]
The next Sefco Export web-page has downloadable customs forms
from several overseas countries.
Go to: [Customs Forms]
World Customs Web Sites - links that go directly to the
Government Websites of Overseas Customs Agencies.
Go to: [Customs Web Sites]
US Customs home page: []
Re: customs inspection; many HHG/personal effect shipments are chosen at random to be physically inspected
by the customs official responsible for its entry into the EU. Inspections are way up.
They used to be rare, and if ordered, any inspection fee is officially recorded with a receipt if/when so ordered;
now it's becoming common.
Depending on location, if ordered for a closer physical exam, it can be x-rayed or further more intensively examined.
Intensive physical exams may happen when the x-ray does not satisfy the customs examiners question.
In the USA, current costs for what is called a "VACIS" examination
(x-ray a full container load) can run approx $290 - $400 (Maher terminal, NJ)
due to the CET customs examination terminal at the port, plus any
disbursements to the designated customs broker or agent. Intensive physical examinations can be expensive, if done by port labor either on the pier or off terminal.
We have some archived notes and articles on this subject at: Port News.
In the UK, the current port security inspection fee has been approx. GBP 45.00 for a LCL less than container load consignment selected for the security exam.
Some destinations [e.g. Australia/New Zealand]
place great significance on agricultural contaminents, fumigation and intensive examinations - to make certain pestilence or other undesireable things do not enter the country.
If you are shipping a car to Australia/New Zealand, remember to "clean it".
If you have shoes and gardening tools that might have dirt on them, clean them before you ship them.
Learn more about Australia's AQIS examination procedures: click here.
What other documents will you need?
For Australia, and several other countries, see some further details and customs forms, here:
Sefco's D/A destination agent prep sheet
It is uncertain, in any case, to predetermine what consignment crossing an
international border may be subject to merely perfunctory, or more intensive checks by customs authorities.
The trend is definitely way up, that such examinations will occur.
Within the industry, normally any preshipment or postshipment customs inspection fees
are borne by the property owner/ultimate consignee and would be termed an "accessorial" fee,
something that is outside the parameters of normal point A to point B transport expense. To read more on this subject, click here.
Moving to Ireland? Making a transfer of residence?
See our general customs information, given in our overseas destination agent section.
Commercial Trade Logistics
your company with Sefco Export and gain access to our extensive "knowledge database",
operational resources and agent network.
For further details please contact your Account Rep / our Westchester NY sales office, or phone our main number:
718-268-6233, press #1 and provide a detailed message with your email address. Our sales department receives an instant copy of their messages via email attachment, allowing for prompt processing and feedback.
Email works best:
Export - Import Guidance for
HHG/PE household goods, personal effects shippers
Economy Self Service Resources
Cubic Footage Shipping Volume Guides -
[Self Survey]
Export Packaging Material Manufacturers
"super boxes" - heavy duty corrugated supplies - pallets -
prefabricated wooden liftvans - wholesale/retail vendors and manufacturing resources
Lift-vans, sea crates, storage units
HHG/PE Export Import Moves
POV Personally Owned Vehicles
Overseas Moving Specialists
Client Services: Resources and Guides
International Shipping from A to Z
 |
contact us For rates and advice.
Main office: (718) 268-6233
If you have already decided to become a Sefco customer -
and have sent in your pre-move deposit
- then we will be able to provide you access to our current roster of export packaging manufacturers,
material suppliers and password protected
"Household Goods Customs Guide" for the country that you are shipping to -
along with other very helpful information, including access to customs forms, on-line photo guides
and step-by-step "how-to" advice.
Further questions?
Have a request that can't be easily answered?
Need information about a special situation not already discussed on our site?
Looking for a rate for something not already posted on our
worldwide rate guide?
Working on a commercial project requiring a feasibility study?
Consider commissioning an Export Report. Find out more about how to get "established account support services".
PreShipment Inspections for
Overseas Movements
How to find an inspection company and order an Export Survey Report.
Commercial Export/Import Inspection Services
WORLDWIDE CUSTOMS GUIDANCE: This particular section of our website includes a detailed outline of
customs regulations for the specific country to which you are moving your property.
In any event, please remember that any information or informal guidance is subject to change and Sefco is not responsible for any mis-advice.
Again: Please contact the nearest Consulate or Embassy of the country to which you plan to ship your property, to ascertain your own particular status.
Our website has links to many Government and Customs related resources.
Please feel free to fully utilize all the free contacts we provide. Surf the links and use all available outside resources.
More specialized content is generated for access by our paying customers only.
We have the customs information on these countries
*Note: Our specialized information resources and referrals to our network of customs brokers, are available only to established Sefco accounts.
Please register (deposit or retainer on file) for access to a broader array of web based E-Resources.
Algeria |
Andorra |
Antigua |
Argentina |
Armenia |
Aruba |
Australia |
Austria |
Azerbaijan |
Azores |
Bahamas |
Bahrain |
Bangladesh |
Barbados |
Belgium |
Belize |
Benin |
Bermuda |
Bolivia |
Bonaire |
Bosnia |
Botswana |
Brazil |
Brunei |
Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso |
Cambodia |
Cameroon |
Canada |
Cayman Island |
Central African Republic |
Chad |
Chile |
China |
Colombia |
Congo |
D.R. of Congo |
Cost Rica |
Croatia |
Curacao |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
Denmark |
Dominica |
Dominican Republic |
Ecuador |
Egypt |
El Salvador |
Estonia |
Ethiopia |
Fiji |
Finland |
France |
French Guiana |
Gabon |
Gambia |
Germany |
Ghana |
Gibraltar |
Greece |
Grenada |
Guam (USA) |
Guatemala |
Guinea |
Guyana |
Haiti |
Honduras |
Hong Kong |
Hungary |
Iceland |
India |
Indonesia |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy |
Ivory Coast |
Jamaica |
Japan |
Jordan |
Kazakhstan |
Kenya |
Korea |
Kuwait |
Laos |
Latvia |
Lebanon |
Lesotho |
Liberia |
Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
Macedonia |
Madeira |
Malawi |
Malaysia |
Mali |
Malta |
Mariana Islands |
Martinique |
Mauritania |
Mauritius |
Mexico |
Monaco |
Morocco |
Namibia |
Nepal |
Netherlands |
New Zealand |
Nicaragua |
Niger |
Nigeria |
Norway |
Oman |
Pakistan |
Panama |
Papua New Guinea |
Paraguay |
Peru |
Philippines |
Portugal |
Puerto Rico |
Qatar |
Reunion Islands |
Romania |
Russia |
Santa Lucia |
Saudi Arabia |
Senegal |
Seychelles |
Sierra Leone |
Singapore |
Solomon Islands |
Somalia |
South Africa |
Spain |
Sri Lanka |
St. Kitts |
St. Vincent |
Sudan |
Surinam |
Swaziland |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Syria |
Tahiti |
Taiwan |
Tanzania |
Thailand |
Togo |
Tonga |
Trinidad & Tobago |
Tunisia |
Turkey |
U.A.E |
U.K. |
U.S.A. |
U.S. Virgin Islands |
Uganda |
Ukraine |
Urguay |
Venezuela |
Vietnam |
Zambia |
Zimbabwe |
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